FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze


Have you ever heard about this quote “Go with the flow” ? Well this is the most common quote which basically means to continue doing what ever you want to do in life without worrying about the consequences that what will happen if we do this or what if that happens. I think we all think a bit too much, we over think a lot about every little thing in our lives. Our relationships be it with family or love life or with friends, we are always thinking about what will be the consequences of it. What I have learnt in my life is too just “to go with the flow” without thinking about the future or people about what will happen next. Live in the present, live every moment of your life that is “Now”. Because if you are going to think and worry about your future while ignoring your present than you will left with nothing at all. If you go with the flow, you let things happen or let other people tell you what to do, rather than trying to control what happens yourself.

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