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Britney Spears may not perform live ever again!

Britney Spears may not perform live again. Manager Larry Rudolph, telling TMZ that her medications have stopped working and she is still not feeling better.

Rudolph told TMZ that he doesn’t want her to work again till she’s ready, physically, mentally and passionately. “If that time never comes again, it will never come again. I have no desire or ability to make her work again. I am only here for her when she wants to work. And, if she ever does want to work again, I’m here to tell her if it’s a good idea or a bad idea,” he said.

He further added, “As the person who guides her career based on the information I and all of the professionals who work with her are being told on a need-to-know basis — from what I have gathered it’s clear to me she should not be going back to do this Vegas residency, not in the near future and possibly never again”.

This runs contrary to the belief put forward by the “Free Britney” movement that she’s effectively imprisoned against her will.

“The personal issues that Britney is dealing with are highly complicated and the conservatorship is there for a reason. The courts of California take this very seriously. I hope the people allow her to have her private time,” Rudolf said

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