FHM Pakistan
Featured Interviews

5 Question To Avoid Asking In An Interview

•“Are there any job vacancies?”

You want to seem focus on the interview being held in the moment rather than one that hasn’t yet been arranged . 

•”How many vacation/sick days do I have?”

If you’re trying to secure the place, as a dedicated candidate you should be more focused of when you can work rather than when you can’t . 

•“What does this company do?”
Research about the company you’re applying to needs to be done beforehand, you need to seem interested towards the job yoire applying for. 

•”How often are your promotions?”

The questions you ask should be about what you can do for the company, how you could be of use instead of what company can do for you . 

“Do you have a dress code?”

Dress code should be observed by judging your surroundings. 

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